Saturday, 9 June 2012

The Almaghribis

Species Name: Al Maghribis
Habitat: Purple Land
Food: Hot, spicy, desi Biryani
Distribution: Around the globe
Current Location: The Tribe of Diamonds <>

...Okay so your probably thinking, that i have seriously lost the plot! Well, actually i am just a little excited about todays post. I thought i'd do a special one about my experiance at Al Maghrib and my journey as a student of Ilm (knowledge).

Soo, where do i actually start? Ok, i'll start from my first ever discovery of the purple al maghrib land.
It was actually a pretty random one to be honest, i can remember just gatecrashing into a meeting thinking it was a revision session! Subhan'Allah its amazing how Allah (swt) plans!

A bit of time went by and i started volunteering. My first course was shephards path, and oh how that was one of the most heart softening courses that truly filled my heart with so much love for the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Taking you on a journey through his life experiences, his joyous moments, his struggles and his striving, right till the end when he was in his last moments.

The course that actually transformed me totally, was Eternal Journey. Allah (swt) blessed me with so much knowledge right at my hands, and surley this course really changed me, in fact changed my Life.
It went throught the surahs in the 29th chapter, Surah Tabarak and Subhan'Allah, this chapter just like all the other chapters in the Quran, really filled me with the fear and love of Allah (swt) to another level.

We have so much to learn from the Quran and if we were to take time out to reflect, ponder, over the verses of Allah (swt), we would truly feel enlightened by the greatness of the words of our Master.
It taught me that this life was nothing but a temporary abode, it was the fake silver, and that the hereafter was the real gold. It took me on a journey through the hereafter, from the final moments my life, to the eternal abode in either Jannah or Jahannam. May Allah protect us from the hell fire and enter us all into Paradise! (Aameen)

...As i attended more regulary, i realised that we mankind are so much more in need of knowledge than of food and drink. That no matter how much we learn there is still so much more to learn.
Ilm is the key!

Besides, the fact that through al maghrib, i got to seek all this knowledge that Allah (swt) blessed me with, but also the sisterhood!

I have met some aaaaaamaazzzzzing sisters, from football fanatics, to cat lovers! Yes, you get to meet all types of wonderful, talented and beautiful sisters, who you have so much in common with!
The beautiful thing is that we all put aside our busy lives, to unite together and seek knowledge together. Not only does it strengthen ones faith, but ones bonds and creats a sense of love and unity.

Sisters, from all around the country, come and travel to gain the understanding of our Deen (Religion). I pray Allah (swt) unites us all in Jannah too! Aameeeen :)

I thank Allah, truly for blessing me with these precious gems in my life and allowing me to gain a better understanding of my religion and treading the path in search of knowledge!

"Whoever treads the path in search of knowledge, Allah will make the way to Paradise easy for him"

(Riyadus Saliheen)

"The seeking of knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim"


Oh and of course, can't forget the delicious bradford Biryani and the mouth watering cupcakes :) ..Dawah and Dinner go hand in hand, Alhamdulilah!

May Allah (swt) make us implement all that we learn, so we can become better Muslims and Muslimahs :)

On that note: Don't forget to check out ;-)

Take care!

See you in Purple Land soon Insha'Allah


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Glad tidings to the Strangers!!!!

Assalaamu Alaykum Warahmatullah!

...We live today in a world, a world where 'bad' is the new 'good'. Where nearly everything that is actually wrong is seen as okay. Where freedom is but a persons dream, and injustice is the norm. Where racial harmony is but a discussed a topic, and human rights are but laws with no consequences.

You see the state of the world we live in? Things over time and space have drastically changed. Things like alochol, drugs, fornication and adultery have become widespread and have become the daily norms.

Once upon a time, these things were seen as filthy and evil. If you were to ask the elders of this time about what would happen if a family member indulged in fornication or alcohol??! They would surley tell you that it would have broughtht a huge shame upon the family. It would be seen as something, apalling, unacceptable and just trecherous. I tell you, now you would get a totally different reponse. Oh yes. Now, all of the above acts have become but a normal, eveyday act. I mean, so where do we draw the line??
What was once seen as hidously and utterly digraceful has now become like ok?????

To some, it may be the fact that the box in there living room is controlling there all ready confused minds and influencing them to do these acts. Others may say that there friends have a big influence on them, and some will probably argue that its beyond there control, they feel helpless, bullied and strange if they are left out and no "in with the crowd".........

Talking about strange! Let me share with you the beautiful words of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) when he told us about the stangers....
To all you strangers, listen up! :)

“Islam began as something strange, and it shall return to being something strange, so give glad tidings to the strangers.” (Sahih Muslim )

Who said being strange was something bad?! You know what, it isn't. I take this hadith as great motivation and support and so should all of you too :) Never let this society, which has no guidlines or limits in what to do, decieve you.
Allah (swt) has blessed us with this beautiful gift of Islam and if you hold on tight to the Quran and Sunnah, and obey the command of Allah, even if you have no one with you, even if people think your 'odd', then glad tidings my friend. Glad tidings. Allah has guaranteed that you will be successful.
..Allah does not let ones efforts, striving and struggling go to waste.
Society today, programmes you and brain washes your thinking. It protrays to you certain things, which then make you want to also be a part of it. We need to close the doors on what society tells us to do, because it does nothing but weakens our faith.

It may be the friends who also have an influence on you but if that is the case, then you best move away, as the Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:

A man follows the religion of his friend; so each one should consider whom he makes his friend." [Abu Dawud 41:4815]

Who you 'hang around' with is very important in Islam. If they also accept these wrong actions then eventually that will also rub off on you. Keep your self away from the people that will keep you away from Allah. Rather, make pious company, for there upright character will be an excellent influence on you.

You my brother, my sister, are in this world only as a traveller, just passing by. So it dosn't really matter what others say or think about you, because at the end of the day, your account will be with Allah, not what others saw of you, and insha'Allah if you keep holding on to the rope of Allah, and not indulge in any of these major sins, nor commit shirk, then insha'Allah Jannah will be your abode. I mean what better home! :D

Next time someone calles you a 'stranger' or gives you any stinging, hurtful comments, just smile away and remember the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). :)

If we live in a world now where evil is prevailing, and goodness is at a standstill then what will it be of the coming generations? Wouldn't we want our children to keep away from alcohol, drugs, adultry? yes of course. In that case so should
we. We need to fear Allah, and keep our duty to him as best as we can.

So you beautiful strangers! Be strange! Be different! Be a Muslim!

Don't let society suck you in to it, for once your in 'with the crowd' its difiicult to come back out! Trsut me its full already. Theres probably no room for you anyway...and even if there is...stay away! :D :D

May Allah keep us away from the evil in our communities, and may he make us leaders of Islam, and allow us to show our true identity as Muslims and Muslimahs, and make us of those who strive to make oursleves better, and compete in righteous actions, Aamaeen :)

Until next time...

Keep on smiling! :)

Jazakumullahu Khaira.

Wasalaamu Alaukum!!