Firstly, I pray that you're all having an amazing, imaan - boosting Ramadhan! Please keep me in your sincere Duas :)
Secondly, todays post is by a sister who is new to 'SmilingMuslimahs' and who Insha'Allah now will also be writing for us!!! ..Below is her debut post. May Allah accept from us all. Keep her in your Duas too. Jazakumullahu Khair.
So just sit back and get into your thinking modes...
As I was sat pondering one afternoon, a thought came to me. What does it feel like to be blind? And my reaction was, 'Astaghfirullah, May Allah protect me from that!' Then I wondered, what does it feel like to be deaf? And again, I reacted with 'Astaghfirullah, May Allah protect me from that!' And then, I thought what does it feel like to be both deaf and blind? And of course, I had the same reaction, if not worse than the first two. Can you imagine being blind and deaf? Not being able to communicate at all, having only your sense of touch, and not knowing what all of the textures and feelings are. And in that train of thought I began to imagine a life without those two immensely important senses. Imagine not being able to see your food, see your friends, hear their voices, see your parents and the love they have for you on their faces. Imagine not being able to go anywhere without worrying for your life. This is the physical blindness and deafness. However, what about the spiritual blindness and deafness? Allah (swt) says in the Qur'an:
"Deaf, dumb and blind - so they will not return [to the right path]." Surah Baqarah:18
Allah is speaking about those who do not have faith, and do not want to have faith; they are deaf, dumb and blind, and cannot find the right path again because of the way they deny the Signs of Allah (swt). We are horrified to think of the physical blindness and deafness, but the spiritual blindness and deafness is far worse! Those that deny the blessings of Allah (swt) and are caught up in this worldly life, lose out in this world, but also the hereafter. Allah sets a cover on their hearts, as he mentions in the Qur'an:
"Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment." Surah Baqarah:7
There are many people in today's world who fit into this category, due to the negative light Islam is being portrayed in. They don't even want to know about Muslims, and many of them know close to nothing about Islam. Can you imagine this? Can you imagine not being a Muslim? Never being taught about Islam properly? The first thing you heard about Islam was negative and you were scared to hear any more? Can you imagine not knowing who your Lord was? Not knowing who created you? Can you imagine not knowing who the Prophet Muhammad (saw) was, except for a few lies you'd been fed by ignorant people? Can you imagine never feeling the sweet peace of eemaan? Never reading the beautiful words of the Qur'an? Never hearing its recitation? Can you imagine never having heard the adhaan in the early hours of the morning such that it moves you to tears? Never having seen the hundreds of Muslims happily entering the mosques on a Friday or on Eid, perfumes and laughter filling the air? Can you imagine never having seen the crowds humbling themselves before Allah (swt) on the plains of Arafah? Can you imagine never experiencing a Ramadhan; the beautiful month of mercy, tranquility and happiness? We can't even bear to think about losing these blessings! Yet there are billions of people out there who are missing out on all of this, because of the negative image MUSLIMS have created of Islam.
Isn't it time we sorted ourselves out? Isn't it time we turned back to our Lord, and His Word, the Qur'an, and followed it, letter by letter like the successful generations before us? Isn't it time we did our job, in enjoining the good and forbidding the evil, not ENJOYING the EVIL and FORGETTING the GOOD???
My dear reader, this is a reminder to myself before you; we need to be thankful for the blessing that Allah has bestowed on us of an open heart, receptive to messages of good, and we need to take advantage of it and the best way to praise Allah is to use his blessings to do good. Let's all wake up this Ramadhan and do our job as Muslims, spread the word of our beautiful religion, share the gift of Islam with our neighbours and the whole of society, and become the best examples for society, by following the best example for us; the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Let's stop our carelessness and heedlessness and wake up before we are held to account for our work in discouraging people from learning about Islam, due to our neglect of Islamic teachings. And what better time to do da'wah than the month of da'wah, Ramadhan!
I pray you all benefit from this short reminder, anything evil is from myself and shaitan, the accursed, and anything good is from the blessing of Allah, and all praise is to Him.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu