Monday, 30 April 2012

Health is a crown *~*~*~*

Assalaamu Alaykum ya naas ^_^

Hope and pray your all doing great!

I wanted to share something with you guys that i thought was relevant due to the fact that many millions and billions of people around the world are being afflicted with this.

What i want to talk to you about is... illness.

Subhan'Allah, just last week i find out that one of our close family friends, had been diagnosed with brain tumor. At first, to me, it was quite a shock seen as we had just recently seen him very active..

MashaAllah he was a brother who was always on the go. Of course, whenever a Muslim hears or is inflicted with a calamity, he says 'Inna lilahi wa Inna ilayhi Rajioon' (Verily, from to Allah do we belongand to him we shall return) and thereafter is patience and accepts the Decreeof Allah (swt).

What struck me the most, was that this brother was really young, had three beautiful children and MashaAllah seemed very healthy, you would never think it would be such a serious illness.

Alhamdulillah, his operation was successful and he is on the way to recovery.

What i want toshare with you guys, is the lesson i took from this happening, and some reasons why you should appreciate the blessing of Health and Hardship...

"Health is a crown that only the sick can see” (Dawud (as))

These wise words by Dawud (as) are so true and of such beauty. Here health is described as a ‘crown’ meaning something precious and treasured, but to who? The healthy.

When one is sick he realizes and appreciates the blessing of health, whilst those who are healthy,do not see it as something huge, or don’t even realize its significance until its taken way from them.

As they would say ‘health is wealth.’ Too right they are, because if you have health and you are physically,mentally and spiritually okay, then you have everything . You have the energy and strength to do what you can, and that is why my dearest brothers and sisters in Islam, always appreciate and use your healthy times wisely, becauseif it was to be taken away from you, it would take away many other things withit.

The Prophet states in a Hadith:
“There are two blessings in which most people are in greatloss: 1) Good health and 2) Free time.”

Unfortunately, many people are unaware of these two blessings, and they go ahead living there life thinking it willremain with them forever. We have no guarantee!

The lessons i learnt from this situation were many, although i knew of them it was a great and well needed reminder and Alhamdulillah it really opened my eyes to the reality of this dunya (world)...

1) Shukr (Thanks toAllah) - I have already mentioned health and how we should value it, but I also learnt that one should be grateful to Allah for it. For the fact, that you can put your forehead to the ground and make Sajdah to Allah, whilst many can’t. That your not one of those thousands of people lying in a hospital bed, not knowing when you will be able to walk or talk again. One of the ways of being thankful to Allah, is by showing Him that you DO appreciate this blessing and so if you have it, you use it to work for your Akhirah and for the pleasure of Allah.

2) Mercy of Allah – Subhan'Allah, through this encounter I learnt that never lose hope in the Mercy of Allah (swt).That Allah (swt)will shower his Mercy down on those who show patience.

“And We will surely testyou with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives andfruits, but give good tidings to the patient, Who,when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeedto Him we will return."
(Surah Baqarah:155-156)
The family of this brother, MashaAllah , were of those whoshowed great patience, and that they never lost hope in the Mercy of Allah. Surely he Allah is Ar-Rahman andAr-Rahim and is with the Sabiroon (those who are patient).

3) Allah is the Best of Planners – Wow! This is just amazing. The yaqeen and trust one should have in the plan and decree of Allah. It may that you were planning to do something whilst Allah had a better plan. This brother may have had plans, but Allah replaced his plan with a better Plan, that would effect many, and hold many wisdoms behind it Subhan'Allah.

Let me tell yousomething that happened to me a few days back..

I actually already wrote half of this post a few days back, but whilst i was writing it and pouring my heart out, my laptop suddenly went all weird and my post just disappeared. Of course i was gutted, but you know what? In my post i was typing the bit about Allah being the Best of Planners, and so i thought to myself,“you know what, there has got to be some wisdom behind this, just got to be” ..And of course Allah never fails in his promise, and so there was. Not only did a sister teach me a new hadith which taught me that Allah will replace you with something better, but she also made dua that my next post would be even better AND another sister shared that hadith and so lots of people benefited.

Now tell me ..That is just mind blowing and amazing! Subhan'Allah! Allahu Akbar! ..also the fact that i could narrate this story to you is a wisdom and blessing too, knowing that Insha'Allah you will learn and benefit from it J

4) The Power of Dua- This one was also a huge reminder, that you know what? Trust in Allah, and have full faith and he will give you.Subhan'Allah, i can remember so many times when things are just not going right, and you turn to Allah, and he is always there for you. Always. Allah loves those who turn to him!!

This family who were going through this hardship knew that only Allah is the one whose help is sought, HE is the one who grants Shifaa!!

What touched me was, the hundreds, even thousands and peoplewho were making Dua for this one brother, whom some haven't even met, but you know why they did it? Because its only Allah that one turns to in both times of hardship and ease! Yes! Totally wonderful and beautiful.

Andwhen My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. Irespond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let themrespond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly]guided.”

5) Muslim Ummah is one – I can’t stress this point enough, itis so beautiful when you see one Ummah unite, and make dua and help those whom they don’t even know. Why? Because everyone is connected by “La ilaha IllaAllah”... This is the beauty of Islam that when one part of the body hurts the whole body feels the pain, and that's how the Muslims are with one another..

When Syria is feeling all the pain, and sorrow, and tears, we also feel there pain, shed tears, and do ALL we can t help.
When our brother or sister is in need of something, we run to there aid, knowing that Allah will reward us for we helped another of His slave! Allahu Akbar!

On the authority of Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him)from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who said, ” Whoeverrelieves a believer’s distress of the distressful aspects of this world, Allahwill rescue him from a difficulty of the difficulties of the Hereafter. (Part of hadithnarrated by Muslim)

6) Spend your youth worshipping Allah – Take advantage of your youth before you old age! And remember the youth who spends his time serving Allah and worshipping him, will be granted Allah (swt)’s shade (HisThrone) on the day when there will be no shade except His (swt’s)..

7) Finally.. After every hardship is ease – You all must know this beautiful Ayah in the Quran, its for us to reflect upon this and know thatAllah will bring ease after hardship, yes its the truth, and Allah never fails in his promise, so have certainty!

So on that i end my post, and I ask you all to raise your hands and make dua for the millions of Muslims suffering around the world, and that you ask Allah, and call upon him with His beautiful names, and ask Him to curethem all and grant them ease!
I pray you benefited from this post ;)

Until next time...

PEACE :D – Keep on smiling!!

Jazaakumullahu Khairan wa barakaAllahu Feekum Wassalaamu Alaykum!!
P.S – Just to add if i have any spelling mistakes, please do overlook them, because for some reason i tend not to see them, even when i read it over again J But i will send it to my proof readers and make sure its all right...
But for now, enjoy the read ;-)

Saturday, 28 April 2012

*Beauty* is skin deep...

Assalaamu Alaykum Warahmaullahi Wabarakatuhu..
May Allahs peace and blessings be upon you all.

I pray you are all doing well on this beautiful day, whilst we are being drenched and showered by the Mercy and Blessings of Allah (swt)!

Right, so today I am going to be talking about something which generally i like to talk about.. something which holds great importance in both our religious and wordly affairs.

The title of todays reminder is “Beauty is skin deep” … hmm very intresting right?!
Well, the first time i cam across this quote which i think was a couple of weeks back, (suprisingly it was in school too) ..on first reading it, i was like this sounds familiar, i can relate this quote to our own islamic kind of made me intrested in what it actually meant..

Anyways, i think i forgot about it, and today i sat wondering what to write for my next post, and this quote was wondering around in my confused brain and all these ideas were oozing out..and so i decided to do this.

As us sisters know, before we leave the house its a rountine to look in the mirror right? Whether its for some to add there make- up, or make sure everythings perfect, and for some it could be to make sure there hijab is on secure,and that its well covered.. either way we all have a tendancy to look in the mirror.

On my mirror, i have stuck a little cute reminder card, with a really nice peacock background, and a really beautiful quote on top which reads..
“O Allah just as you have made my external features beautiful, make my character beautiful aswell”

SubhanAllah! So everytime i look into that mirror i make sure i make this dua.
It actually made me think, that this dua, really relates to the “beauty is skin deep” quote, except that this beautiful dua was revealed over 1400 years ago and is still read today.. not only that but its wording is just amazing.

Islam is so perfect and complete, and amazingly wonderful that EVEN when you look in the mirror you are reminded that looks is not everything, and that Allah is the one who has bestowed this blessing of good looks and features upon you.

It makes me think, that in todays society we are told that our looks are what is most importance, that to be popular we’ve got to be pretty, and that fahsion is what we must follow.. but..
my beautiful sisters in islam, that is not correct, rather we are being “programmed” into thinking this, that “it is whats on top that matters”…
It dosn’t.

Realistically, islam as a way of life, tells us that no, you are beautiful as you are.. and what makes you even more beautiful is your innerself, your heart, your faith and your character.
Allah looks not at your figures, nor at your outward appearance but Allah looks at your hearts and deeds.”(Muslim)

Wow?! SubahnaAllah! Isn't Allahs pleasure what we want?? Allah the almighty, dosn’t look at weather your a size zero, or if you have the best hair or not.. NO.

He subhanA waTaAllah, looks at your heart and your deeds, for that is real lasting beauty, that will earn you his reward.
Allah (swt) says in the Quran:

“So blessed be Allah, the best of Creators! [23:14].

Allah the all perfect, is describing himself as the BEST of creators. He created you as the BESTof creation... how honoured is the son of adam!

So instead of worrying about the fact that you havn’t got the latest chinos....(Sidenote: I hate chinos with a passion:p) on your innerself inshaAllah :)

This goes for brothers too btw. I am not aiming at anyone specifically but just a reminder to you all that remember your all worth it, and that islam makes you beautiful..

And with this short reminder i end with a little gem…
“Polish your heart like a jeweller polishes his diamonds”

Jazakumullahu Khair, may Allah bless you all!

Mas’salaaaama! D:

p.s- memorise the dua inshaAllah..always read it when you look in the mirror!

Warm whispers of repentance..

Bismillah, In the Name of Allah the Most Kind the Most Merciful,We praise him and Thank Him, and we testify that there is none worth of worship but He (Allah) alone with no partners, and that Muhammad (saw) is His last and final Messenger.


Our first topic is *duffroll* ...forgivness.

Hmmm, why oh why did i start with forgiveness?

Reason being, because...well, there is a hadith that i came across that goes like this..

“The one who repents from a sin is like one who has no sin.”

(Ibn Majah)

Subhan'Allah! I mean how amazing is that? Dosn’t it just blow you away? That how merciful is our creator! This hadith for me is like a starting point, because of its essence and amazing meaning..

Its very clear that the one who ask for forgiveness, is like one who didn’t do any sin in the first place.

But how does this help ME?

Every day we sin, we transgress the limits of Allah, we do things we shouldnt do, But whenever we think about changing these things, don’t you think its our sins that hold us back? Think deeply.

Reflect upon this :

Every day a muslim tries to better himself in every way possible, Its like a new clean slate, a fresh start everyday, but for some its the sins that stop them from improving..

So this means one thing..

Its time to remove the sins and stains upon our heart..


Easy peasy...


Turning to Allah, with remorse, guilt and with a sincere heart.
Don’t you think thats AMAZING?

That we can easily cleanse oursleves with repentance? No need of any soapy,smelly, fruity stuff.. Just sincerity, and the will power to change your ways and yourself.

Don’t you think, if we all did this every day, it would feel like a fresh start??

Hence, this is why i started off with the topic of forgiveness.. I want you to start with a fresh mind, heart, and soul, by firstly turning to Allah, with ikhlaas (sincerity) and goodness, and to ask him and him alone for help.

Check these beautiful verses out in the Quran:



Know my dear sisters and brothers, Allah (swt) is always there for
You, its about YOU willing to turn to him…

Sometimes, i know things can get a little stressful, and you make mistakes that you sooner or later regret..But hey guys its NOT the end of the world, no it aint, not when Allah Is right by your side, and hears everything…

He is the one who is the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, and
The most Merciful of those who show Mercy!!! Subhan’Allah..

So okay, you know now that in order to cleanse yourself from your sins, You need to ask Allah for forgiveness…

One may say…but smiling muslimah, how?? What are the conditions Of my repentance being accepted??? … What if i make the mistake Again?!!!! :s

Hey Hey! Just relax…….Islam is very simple and beautiful :)

The answer is that there are 3 conditions that need to be met in order for one to have his repentance accepted by Allah..

The conditions are …

Leaving the sin;
Remorse over having committed the sin;
Resolve never to return to the sin;
(If it relates to the rights of another person, then to)
Return the rights or property one wrongly took.

How beautiful right? 4 easy steps to take…
Just remember the special ingredient…sincerity..

Sprinkle lots of it into your repentance…:)
That leaves me with the final question… What if i fall into the sin again??

ne shouldn’t leave repentance if he falls into the same sin again.. Rather
He should go back to renewing his intention, with all the conditions met.

Oh but does that mean you can carry on sinning, and just ask for forgiveness after??
Oh no.. Reason being… Because one of the conditions is what… Remind me again??
Oh yes i got it…’making the intention not to accompany oneself in that sin again’, meaning do whatever you can to keep away from the sins, and if you forgetfully fall into it…. You turn to Allah for forgiveness.
eautifull is our deen :) Sheeerr perfection. Allahu Akbar!

Now your thinking that there IS actually HOPE for you.. And never forget that people!! A believer both has hope and fear in his heart, fear of Allah’s wrath and punishment, and hope in his mercy and reward..
Strike the balance.
And Never LOSE HOPE.. no matter what.. How can you ?? When Allah is soooo Merciful to his slaves.Thank Allah for being a Muslim, for its a huggggee blessing, you know it! :)
You never lose! Its always a win win situation ^_^

I pray Allah accepts all our repentance, and makes us of those that submit to him, and him alone, and may he shower his love and mercy upon us and enter us together in Jannah ^_^ Aameeeeeeeen. (Say Aameeen!)

Please care to share :)
