Bismillah, In the Name of Allah the Most Kind the Most Merciful,We praise him and Thank Him, and we testify that there is none worth of worship but He (Allah) alone with no partners, and that Muhammad (saw) is His last and final Messenger.
Our first topic is *duffroll* ...forgivness.
Hmmm, why oh why did i start with forgiveness?
Reason being, because...well, there is a hadith that i came across that goes like this..
“The one who repents from a sin is like one who has no sin.”
(Ibn Majah)
Subhan'Allah! I mean how amazing is that? Dosn’t it just blow you away? That how merciful is our creator! This hadith for me is like a starting point, because of its essence and amazing meaning..
Its very clear that the one who ask for forgiveness, is like one who didn’t do any sin in the first place.
But how does this help ME?
Every day we sin, we transgress the limits of Allah, we do things we shouldnt do, But whenever we think about changing these things, don’t you think its our sins that hold us back? Think deeply.
Reflect upon this :
Every day a muslim tries to better himself in every way possible, Its like a new clean slate, a fresh start everyday, but for some its the sins that stop them from improving..
So this means one thing..
Its time to remove the sins and stains upon our heart..
Easy peasy...
Turning to Allah, with remorse, guilt and with a sincere heart.
Don’t you think thats AMAZING?
That we can easily cleanse oursleves with repentance? No need of any soapy,smelly, fruity stuff.. Just sincerity, and the will power to change your ways and yourself.
Don’t you think, if we all did this every day, it would feel like a fresh start??
Hence, this is why i started off with the topic of forgiveness.. I want you to start with a fresh mind, heart, and soul, by firstly turning to Allah, with ikhlaas (sincerity) and goodness, and to ask him and him alone for help.
Check these beautiful verses out in the Quran:
Know my dear sisters and brothers, Allah (swt) is always there for
You, its about YOU willing to turn to him…
Sometimes, i know things can get a little stressful, and you make mistakes that you sooner or later regret..But hey guys its NOT the end of the world, no it aint, not when Allah Is right by your side, and hears everything…
He is the one who is the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, and
The most Merciful of those who show Mercy!!! Subhan’Allah..
So okay, you know now that in order to cleanse yourself from your sins, You need to ask Allah for forgiveness…
One may say…but smiling muslimah, how?? What are the conditions Of my repentance being accepted??? … What if i make the mistake Again?!!!! :s
Hey Hey! Just relax…….Islam is very simple and beautiful :)
The answer is that there are 3 conditions that need to be met in order for one to have his repentance accepted by Allah..
The conditions are …
Leaving the sin;
Remorse over having committed the sin;
Resolve never to return to the sin;
(If it relates to the rights of another person, then to)
Return the rights or property one wrongly took.
How beautiful right? 4 easy steps to take…
Just remember the special ingredient…sincerity..
Sprinkle lots of it into your repentance…:)
That leaves me with the final question… What if i fall into the sin again??
ne shouldn’t leave repentance if he falls into the same sin again.. Rather
ne shouldn’t leave repentance if he falls into the same sin again.. Rather
He should go back to renewing his intention, with all the conditions met.
Oh but does that mean you can carry on sinning, and just ask for forgiveness after??
Oh no.. Reason being… Because one of the conditions is what… Remind me again??
Oh yes i got it…’making the intention not to accompany oneself in that sin again’, meaning do whatever you can to keep away from the sins, and if you forgetfully fall into it…. You turn to Allah for forgiveness.
eautifull is our deen :) Sheeerr perfection. Allahu Akbar!
eautifull is our deen :) Sheeerr perfection. Allahu Akbar!
Now your thinking that there IS actually HOPE for you.. And never forget that people!! A believer both has hope and fear in his heart, fear of Allah’s wrath and punishment, and hope in his mercy and reward..
Strike the balance.
And Never LOSE HOPE.. no matter what.. How can you ?? When Allah is soooo Merciful to his slaves.Thank Allah for being a Muslim, for its a huggggee blessing, you know it! :)
You never lose! Its always a win win situation ^_^
I pray Allah accepts all our repentance, and makes us of those that submit to him, and him alone, and may he shower his love and mercy upon us and enter us together in Jannah ^_^ Aameeeeeeeen. (Say Aameeen!)
Please care to share :)
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